Friday, January 5, 2007

Ethics at the Game

Hockey Game Ethics!

Is it necessary to have 8 beers a period and disrupting the viewing of the game for the real fans? These so called fans decide every 3 min that a beer is more important then the $50 or $100 ticket they or others paid to see the game. When there’s an intermission between periods or a whistle during play, this is when you should go and get that most precious beer, not when the game is in process. I see on average 20 games a year and this year I have season Tickets. It becomes a real pain in the neck when I miss about 6 to 8 min a period due to standing up every 3 min or the rows in front doing the same. Get real people it’s Thursday night and if you were at home you wouldn't get off that couch if your life depended on it to get a beer.

Another thing, know where your seat and section are. Too many people sit in the wrong seats or are completely in the wrong section because of too many of those precious beers. This causes people to stand up get in the way of others watching the game and debate if there are in the wrong seat. “Oh no this is my seat” “Are you sure buddy” “Yeah” “Well these are my season tickets” “Oh sorry” Sit down! There goes another 5 min of entertainment.

This is a good one, parents who climb over seats to get to there’s by either stepping on the seat covers or the arms of the seats. Who follows suit, there 14 year old? This is a great way to show manners and respect for other people’s property. Sure it’s not mine, but would you like if I came over and climbed on and over your coffee table or the hood of your Mercedes in the parking lot.

Parking lot:
What is with the Ford F350, Diesel, 6 doors, King Cabs with a 10 tone tow package taking up 4 parking spots or parking at the end of rows where there’s no spot. Now they don’t pay extra! This at the end of the night causes problems with the flow of Traffic. Second these are the same guys who need those 20 precious beers a game and then drive. By the way, why is it you have valet parking, you have club seat parking and yet the guy who pays just as good money, but not enough money has to park in lot 9. Every other ticket holder other then the 300 level park the furthest. Why not a parking lot just for 300, 200 and 100 level and the other people who come to a couple of games a year park the furthest. I come as early as an hour before games, but as mentioned above, these are the reason I have to park further away.

“Oh Canada ”
What the? it’s our Nations Anthem, stand up, take that hat off and show respect. Again, I guess some people can’t manage to stand and put down that precious beer, so in stead they sit and drink, while others stand and show respect.

“Hockey or Bordello”
Over the years I some times feel like I need to bring a couple of hundred dollars to the game in case the Brothel is open. What is with “yes” some very, very attractive girls, dressing like they work the strip clubs, showing there thongs and short, short skirts, while drinking again! That precious little beer threw a straw, (Cheap drunks) taking on the phone, not even watching the game. “Ladies” the players Can Not see you dressed like that in Row R Section 300 and the other guys in your section are hammered already.

Just thought you should know, I really doubt this will be read or anything to come of it. Tell me again why becoming a Season Ticket holder has it's advantage or what the incentive really is?